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An adjective meaning really fuckin drunk and or high

Damn that lady is fuckin plastered

by Dat panda likes jelly July 14, 2021


To be so shitfaced drunk that your non compliant and totally in the clouds of what’s happening around you and on the brink of puking everywhere nonstop

I’m fucking plastered keep it on.

by nbason27 October 9, 2020


To be so shitfaced drunk that you can barely make sense of what’s happening around you.

For Christ sake lad, I’m plastered now am I.

by nbason27 October 9, 2020


To be intensively intoxicated

That jit is plastered af!

by Travie Patty December 5, 2021


when your stomach is an airbnb for alcohol

“My mom put white wine in the pasta sauce last night... i’m ducking plastered right now”


by spongebobshoesmad June 8, 2019


when your stomach is an airbnb for alcohol

“My mom put white wine in the pasta sauce last night... i’m fucking plastered man”


by spongebobshoesmad June 8, 2019


When you’re so fucked up you are squealing and running around like a feral hog.

Dude, Barry got so hog-plastered, we had to wrangle and hog tie him in the bathroom.

by Hog plastered November 21, 2021