Source Code

Snow Plowing

When a man cream pies into another man or woman, and another man follows behind engaging in sexual activity with said man or woman, pushing the cum deeper inside.

"Hey, Ben come on over and snowplow this dude when I'm done, hes begging for more," Mike insisted.

"O man! sounds like a good time, your cum will work like lube," said Ben.

"Ohhhh yea, I love snow plowing," said Mike.

by The dock master November 30, 2018

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kraus plow

when a man with a penis larger than 8 inches long rams a girl from behind very rapidly

Aaron kraus plowed that bitch!

by otto49846879345 January 14, 2009

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Plow Pal

Somebody that you have sexual relations with and have no feelings for.

Mike: "I'm gonna hook you up with this skank tonight for a good lickin'"

Chris: "Nawwww son, I ain't looking for a plow pal."

by MusikManLP7 November 17, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

plow horse

A girl that sleeps around with a lot of guys and has that used , wide set vagina. Her body is just a slab of meat.

I remember that whore Jennifer, I used to take that old plow horse to pound town every night back in the day.

by UhSsSs June 4, 2016

33๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Amish Plow

During sexual intercourse, namely doggy style, the male swipes both arms from underneath the female. Thus causing her face to plow violently against the ground/bed, which in turn, causes a massive rash to appear.

(works well on carpet)

Friend: "Hey Kristine, where did you get that fuckin massive rash on your face?"

Kristine: "Oh, one of the Basketballers was fuckin me from behind on the carpet and he gave me the amish plow..."

Friend: "HAHAHAHA! You dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmb cunt! I told you to quit bein' a groupie slut!"

Kristine: "I know, i know... but it hurt soooo good!"

by Dorr Biscuit November 16, 2006

76๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

the georgia plow

The Georgia plow is when you are doing a girl from behind, you pick up her feet like she was a wheelbarrow, and then kick her hands out from under her and start walking.

I gave Suzy the Georgia plow last night, that bitch dug a trench in my carpet.

by Smack daddy February 18, 2014

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Louisiana Plow

Violent sexual act in which a knife is used to cut from the bottom of the vagina through the gouch to the anus, creating a hole which is then used for intercourse

"Dude, you know that Alex girl?"
"Yeah, she's a total bitch."
"You're right, but she is smoking hot. I'd love to get her with a Louisiana Plow."

by Jeffreh_of_Ninety-Five December 22, 2011

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