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porcelain penis

A penis so long that when a man sits down on the toilet his member dips past the cool toilet water and rests on the porcelain bowl below.

I cheated on my boyfriend with this guy from college who has a porcelain penis

by stubely boobely November 4, 2019

Porcelain Pwn'n

Act of blowing up your toilet. Probably after eating spicy ass Thai food.

I need more toilet paper for all this porcelain pwn'n!

by joemammy September 3, 2016

porcelain porridge

You have just finished the leftover Chinese take out that you found sticky in the fridge a week later. Approximately 30 min. after guzzling down some stale rice and slimy nuggets of some sort of chicken/cat you start to feel your poor dining decision crawling through your lower bowels ready to be birthed. You awkwardly waddle off the couch with your hand grasped both cheeks together as you desperately search for an open bathroom that doesn't contain your roommate in the middle of a pube shaving frenzy. when you reach the bathroom on the second floor you pull down your pants, turn, and roost all at the same time with the swiftness of a naked Olympic athlete. When you finish laying your egg, out of curiosity, you hoist your balls out of the way and peer down into the toilet. The shit that you have just made has the color and consistency of the Quaker instant in your cupboard. As you sit there amused with your hand on your junk admiring your work you remember that you are single and now

in no condition to mingle. You decide to rub one off and add a teaspoon of sugar syrup to the top of your porridge mound. As you sit in post wank depression you get the idea that this could be frozen and sold as modern art and is too good a sight not to share with someone. You whip out your phone and send a snap crap to most of your snapchat contacts. mission complete you whip and struggle your pants up as you flush and send Bernie (yes you've named it) out to sea.

shit, crap, dump, porcelain porridge

by zimplr November 1, 2016

Paint the Porcelain

An explosive spray of diarrhea such that the innards of the toilet are coated in the chocolate colored substance.

Oh man, i shouldn't have eaten that taquito. I'm about to paint the porcelain!

by Raven3113 April 19, 2009

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porcelain throne

Comes from the appearance of praying when lurched over the toilet when extremely drunk and hung over. Another phrase used is porcelain gods.

She's still in the bathroom, hanging over the porcelain throne. Or, Praying to the porcelain gods.

by haymaz April 22, 2004

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Porcelain BoyScout

A sexual act involving a toilet a neckerchief and two people in which the person sitting on the toilet receives fillacio from the second person while choking them with a boyscouts neckerchief and deficating simultaniously.

I woke up in jail this morning being told by the officer on duty that I was going to burn in hell for choking a hooker in a subway bathroom with my dew rag. I responded that I was giving her a porcelain boyscout.

by badassmckickass September 30, 2010

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hittin' porcelain

A. When the penis rubs against the toilet while taking a shit. This is mostly caused by a poorly designed lid.

B. When a turd drops forcefully through the water, scraping the bottom of the toilet where it leaves a streak.

What's wrong with your toilet man? I was hittin' porcelain while takin a shit.

Did you hear that loud Thoomp? Well that was me hittin' porcelain in your freshly cleaned toilet.

by BoLiverwurst March 26, 2008

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