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razor crease

a sharp crease down the front of your pants mostly asociated w/ Dickie work pants. shows that pants are fresh(see definition of fresh)

yo pants aint fresh unless ya got that razor crease!

Used in the south to show off Dickies

by Josh Paladino March 3, 2007

steppin' razor

"Walking weapon", as in "I'm a walking straight-razor", don't you watch my size (be mislead by my small stature)

If you wanna live, live
I beg you treat me good
I'm like a walking razor
Don't you watch my size
I'm dangerous
- Lyrics to "Steppin' Razor by Joe Higgs, recorded by Peter Tosh

by Escapistus September 29, 2022

Greg's Razor

One can never achieve 100% beer efficiency. Some beers out of a 24 will always be lost to friends, frozen in the freezer, spilled, etc.

Why can Nolan never drink all of his beers? answer: Greg's Razor

by saun0087 May 23, 2015

butthole razor

A razor blade, approximate 3 inches in length, meant specifically for the care and weeding of the cornhole.

Guy 1: You're gonna shave w/ the same razor you use to clean your ass?

Guy 2: Nah, that's what my butthole razor is for!

by Razor Butthole August 19, 2008

Ockerman’s razor

1: The most confusing and complicated solution possible.

2: Meant to confuse or distract someone from the original problem.

3: Means to obfuscate or hide the true reason.

I can’t understand what’s going on here, must be Ockerman’s razor.

by losrocket April 12, 2019

Razor tight

Extremely close. A mixed metaphor (of "razor-thin" and simply "tight") commonly heard from television news reporters during election season, referring to the closeness of a race between candidates.

News anchor: "As you can see here, John, the presidential race is holding at 47 percent for each candidate. It's a razor tight margin."

by rk96 November 7, 2012

6👍 1👎

Arkham's razor

The weirdest explanation is the correct one. Opposite of Occam's razor.

Occam's razor says that people used primitive tech and slave labor build the pyramids. Arkham's razor says that Satan called in a favor from space aliens to build them in order to make people disbelieve in Jesus hundreds of years before he was born.

by The Logical Fallacy June 4, 2017

9👍 6👎