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SD sure

When you are so certain of something, that you will suck dick if you're wrong. Only works for guys.

Generally used to stop innane arguments when one ignorant person keeps arguing something they know nothing about and you know that you're right.

"Isn't the Pub on the next street?"
"No, dude, it's on this one."
"I'm sure it's on the other street."
"Well, I'm SD Sure it's on this one."
"Whoa. Okay, then. First round's on me."

by Frogman Tim3 November 12, 2009

SD disease

When a guy has a small dick

This annoying ass idiot probably has the SD disease lol

by Zane_lmao February 1, 2022

SD Cowboy

See shitty dick cowboy

shitty dick cowboy

"The dude at Subway was such a little SD Cowboy"

by therealdjtron May 14, 2009

Sturgis, SD

A small town in South Dakota that hosts one of the largest national motorcycle rallies in the United States. Also home of the Full Throttle Saloon as seen on Tru TV. Usually occurs the first or second week of August.

Dude, are you gonna ride your hog to sturgis this august?

Are you talking about Sturgis, SD?

by wakawakawe April 1, 2011

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SD Gundam

steaming pile of mini-gundam turd. seriously.

not related to the Gundam series at all. AT ALL!

by Wolf July 3, 2004

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SD Gundam

SD Gundam(n) 1. a show devoid of anything resembling a plot 2. asinine "chibi" gundams that are in insult to the Gundam series

"This show is such an SD Gundam." or "SD Gundam sucks cow balls."

by MrCookie June 27, 2004

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Vermillion, SD

The shittiest, safest, and most boring place in the world.

See how Caleb has no sense of adventure? Yeah, he must be from Vermillion, SD

by Hados_da_Boss November 8, 2019

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