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An annoying leech who always begs for left overs (Loud and Marijuana) A crack head in disguise. Who's also not man enough to take action when his bitch is getting taken right in front of his face.

Sami: Yo fham could i hit one?
Friend: No go get ur own shit

Sami: C'mon fham just one hit
Friend: Nah fham, ur a wasteyute.

by Nigero 46 September 16, 2019

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Is a bitch

Boy 1:omg do you see that sami
Boy2:she’s a bitch

by Susan735 March 31, 2018

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Sami is a flawed individual just like everyone else. She values one on one communication and always is there to listen to a friend. She likes being there for people and yeah sometimes she forgives too easily, she’s working on it, she prefers talking about it. She’s not a pushover though, don’t get it confused. she’s intuitive and loves to make amends and making peace.


by 274!(!@210 May 6, 2019

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a school filled with white crackers who pop pills, juul, smoke marijuana, & probably spread their STD’s to one another. it’s also filled with wannabe e girls & e boys who don’t know how to shower, acting as if it’s a gAME TO WHOEVER DOESNT SHOWER THE LONGEST. every morning there’s these twig boys who shove dirt up their assholes, acting like it’s a enjoyable hobby to do so. last thing, is that there’s these couples who smell like must & shove their tongues down each other’s throats in the bus while there are innocent stupid freshmen surrounded by them, gross. in conclusion, sami is a mental hospital filled with roaches who need to be sprayed to their deaths.


by Herbertthehammerman March 4, 2019

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Samy is a fucking narcissist who love carti more than his mother

Person 1 : yo did you see samy
Person 2 : samy who you mean playboi carti from wish.com
Person 1: yes that one

by Samy.mat.lahyrhmo November 24, 2021

1👍 3👎

Sami Efron

Online disorder notable for extremely narcissistic, unfunny, morally dubious, disgusting, and most of a serial-pederast.

Person A : Hey why have you been explaining the lore of Neon Genesis to 14 year olds for the past 4 hours?

Person B : Oh sorry I had a bad case of Sami Efron.

by RYVERGATE January 21, 2023


A fat, black boy who suffers from social anxiety. He absolutely hates himself and listens to a lot of depressing songs. He breaks down at anything and everything about more than 2 times a day. None of his friends knows what's really bothering him, the only person who can change him is himself and that is not going to happen. He is a very introverted person but makes friends left and right and is loved by him and cares for him. He is a very musical person but hates to share it with the world. He has come from a dark past about losing his mother but he still tries to look on the bright side or at least tries too. He does not like to try anything different, gives up easily, he wants to be alone most of the time and for the love of god CAN NOT MATH. He hangs on to his old friends from primary school because he does not want to loose them and every night he has suisidal thoughts.

Sami sucks!
Sami's my best friend!
Sami wishes he had a girlfriend!

by AnActualGuyNamedSami July 24, 2019

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