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The art of Shibbying, until one can shibby no more.
Or until Shibbying is no longer prohibited, within a given time, that anyone can be permitted to Shibby.

Dude, thats just shibby!

Look, im Shibbying.

by Rikk0rz September 14, 2006

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some one, a nickname

Yo Shibby was so drunk at Petes~!~

by marie January 13, 2003

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marajuana,pot,way of greeting,
what to say when you are scared, embarassed or any other feeling
shibster-person of shibby

lets go smoke shibby
you tapped her, SHIBBY MAN!
lets go Shibby
cya, shibby

by Chester May 11, 2003

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the lowdown; what's going on; the current events in one's life

Q: What up homie?
A: The shibby.

by Kara April 10, 2004

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short for shibbiekenotia, which is a latin expression of gratitude (much like the english "DUDE!!!")

What, coffee flavored donuts?!?!?!?!?!?

by Jameson Rogers April 25, 2004

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Teen-age female 'slang' term for 'Hot Guy'. Often assosiated with midnight sugar consumation, and lack of forsight.
See: Insania-Insomnia

"Did you see that guy in front of me? Very Shibby!"

by Asabeth_Blue August 19, 2004

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A term to describe glee. Very often stolen by other people.

Awesome, Cool.

"Remember that time in eight grade when Mr. Brockman broke his leg by kicking students in the asshole? That was so shibby."

"Shibby, man, shibby."

"Stop stealing my word, Amanda. I am Chuck T. supreme ruler of all words, and you steal every one of them!"

by Elijah Thornberry August 4, 2005

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