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Skill Issue

A way to comfort someone after something unfortunate happens to them.

My dog died.”
Skill issue, I hope you get better.”

by graylover333 February 24, 2024

Skill issue

když je domluvený meet a někdo i skrz své sliby upadne do kómatu a nezvedne 35 hovorů

"Hej Sofka zas usnula a nepřijde."

"No jo no, skill issue prostě."

by rezka January 18, 2024

Skill Issues

When someone’s credit check comes back flat denied can be shortened to Skill Issue

Oh no seems like your credit came back as a skill issues

by Dank Me Me October 5, 2023

Legit Skill Issue

The term "legit skill issue" is used in the gaming world where 2 person when fighting and any one of them is not able to kill the other inspite of the fact that that player is playing the game for a long time is know as legit skill issue.

One player can't kill his opponent with shotgun is legit skill issue

by Talk_to_gamer December 16, 2023

Legit Skill Issue

One's ability to dominate your opponent in a skill based ranked multiplayer game, yet both the players started around same time since the release of the game.

I killed that sniper, legit skill issue!

by Talk_to_gamer January 4, 2024

Skill Issue Squad

Humans who have spent thousands of years training their skill issue

Skill Issue Squad of UC

by Shew-Chan February 8, 2024

monumental skill issue

a snide remark used to suggest that the root cause of a problem lies with the incompetence / lack of skill of the person expressing said problem.

This phrase elevates the more commonly known "skill issue" and is guarantee to cause whomever you use this phrase upon to burst a blood vessel.

it is often used cheekily and ironically in response to situations where the problem genuinely lies outside of the person's control, for the purposes of trolling.

see also: BM; toxic

'Monumental skill issue being defined'
'it's impossible to fight against these players with their pay-to-win equipment that kills us in one hit. i think their stats need to be balanced.'
'sounds like a monumental skill issue'
'Usually worse than skill issue'
The Tim wanted me to scarce you comes from the derived term skill issue usually meaning that the person who has a skill issue is worse than a skill issue it is then become a monumental skill issue'

by _soul_ June 29, 2023