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A slag word for sex, wanting to have sexual activity's with the opposite sex

I wanna pull a skit with Alvin
Dang Mary is a skit
I need a skit

by johnxoxo January 13, 2015


A South African word used to describe being high on drugs.

Joanna: "Wow! Look at Kai!"

Harley: "What the f!! He's skitting"

by harleyquinnskit420 April 9, 2019


Means to jol

We are going to skit tonight

by Connorrautenbach October 22, 2018


It's a way of saying something or someone is fucking awesome

Yo that's some skits shit mate

by An inactive fucker August 4, 2017


A word used to describe an extreme or very positive experience, use this word wisely as it can be used by superiors to asert the vocabulary dominance and gain followers.

Jeez that backflip was skits.

by Josh locky fitz June 23, 2020


Used in place of "something that's pretty crazy", but you want to give it an extra level of mentally sick as fuck. The scenario may just be so ridiculous that typical vocab won't do it justice.

Friend 1: My friend got jumped yesterday, smacked in the face with a bamboo stick, robbed, and beaten.

Friend 2: Thats fuckin skits man

by billywetcher February 20, 2024


(dublin, ireland) when a person you like or are in a relationship is over protective and controlling towards you, sometimes in an aggressive way.

they might not let you go out to your friends or even communicate with other people

girl 1: omg he keeps ringing me and screaming down the phone telling me to come home
girl 2: get rid of him he’s a skit


boy 1: here lads she won’t let me even have my cousin on snap, my blocked list is the length of the M50
boy 2: she’s a fucking skit man

by ur mas a junkie August 11, 2022