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Smuggling grapes

When you can see a man's testicles through his shorts.

That dude must not be wearing underwear, he's smuggling grapes.

by Easymoneyrobber July 5, 2021

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Pussy Smuggling

When a wife intentionally abstains from sex in an attempt to manipulate or control her husband. A wife is also deemed a smuggler if she does not provide reasonable access to the pun just for the sake of being mean. The art of pussy smuggling is complicated, it walks the razors edge of successful manipulation and getting dumped. Usually dumped.

His wife has been smuggling for weeks, maybe he should pay attention to her more.

My wife is an extreme pussy smuggler, I think it's time I get a trade in for a newer model.

Her addiction to pussy smuggling destroyed her marriage.

by The Tangerine July 23, 2013

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smuggle sack

1. tight underwear that squeezes the penis and testicles close together making it uncomfortable.

2. a small suitcase that fits up to three mexican children to get across the border.

1. billy: what did you get for christmas?

tommy: my mom got me some smuggle sacks, she is such a dumb jew.

2. hurry jesus get into the smuggle sack with your sisters

by We FuNnY December 29, 2011

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smuggling peas

having a THO... think about it...

"pam, you cold? you look like you're smuggling peas"

by lauren September 1, 2003

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Smuggling Parrots

A reference to peoples attempts smuggling going wrong when a parrot start waking up and talking. This talking being misinterpreted as coming from the person who is probably wasted. What is said is confused and short.

Mate walking into room. "Where are we? What time is it? What's my name?!"

Everyone else, "He is smuggling parrots right now."

by eMpTy January 9, 2013

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Smuggling Diamonds

The practise of sleeping with wealthy older women, but only up the poo pipe.

Alex: "Did you hear what Nicolai got up to last night?"

Alco: "He's not been smuggling diamonds again has he?"

Alex: "How do you know?"

Alco: "This is Nicolai we're talking about!"

Alex: "He's such a poo stabber!"

by Incey June 27, 2007

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smuggling grapes

When a man is subjected to cold temperatures and his testes shrivel up inside his body like a pre-pubescent boy. It's almost as if he is attempting to purposefully hide his testes from customs.

Man it's so cold out here... My balls are so shriveled, it's like I'm smuggling grapes over here.

by Parcheeeeeseeee February 13, 2014

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