To screw somebody over. The act of scamming people and upcharging them. Atheletes screwing over your parlay.
Damnit, Nikola Jokic is steining my parlay smh.
When your booty hole and your pussy hole are the same width
She’s def got a stein!!
Biggest stein I’ve seen all year!!!
Honestly this man gets all the bitches, he doesn’t leave a single one for anyone else and with his big muscles he could DESTROY the rock in a fight. This man is also unbelievably retarded and cant do shit about anything, but he sure can get bitches
Wow that’s a real stein right there
stein loves cats. actually it has a lot of cats inside its house. stein is obsessed with everybody! amazing talent, right? stein is kind of the same thing as gravel..
oh. it is stein! hey stein, don`t be rude.
Stein is a person who loves cats. it is obsessed with everything and cares about everyone! (only those kind of people the stein likes) stein is also called gravel. it is up to you.
wait. is that a stein? I just got the vibe :p
An old white guy lives with an undead creature and occasionally talks about relevant things. Mostly ranting about who he hates and why.
Hay Erik! Don't be a Stein and talk about good things for a change instead of hate!