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rule 42

If it exist, there is a pony version of it. No exceptions.

Started by the brony fanbase of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
There is nothing wrong with non-ponified things, ponifying just makes them around 20% cooler.

rule 42 of zoidberg meme: "Need a new zoidberg? why not pinkie pie?"

by DutchBrony October 30, 2011

149πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

42: the sign

42 is a number that will pop up everywhere once you start looking for it. It started off as a code name, but got out of hand. It’s a scary number that will mess up your life. Stay safe.

β€œThere it is again! 42: the sign that keeps popping up everywhere!”

by YummyTime42 November 26, 2018


a very gorgeous girl who is down to earth,, & will always comfort you in the best way. she loves kiwi very much ,, & is the best girl you could ever have by your side. she’d always be down to do crazy stuff with her loved ones. in conclusion ,, shes the best fairy girl ever >.<

wow!! have you heard of cndy.42 ??
yes she’s so gorgeous!! we love cndy.42

by β˜†(οΌƒΓ—Γ—) January 22, 2021

Rule 42

In Wonderland, a rule of the Queen of Hearts' court stating all persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately.

King: "Rule 42, all persons more than a mile high must leave the court immediately!!"

Alice: "I am not a mile high, and I'm not leaving."

by Disnevytte August 30, 2010

113πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

42 down

A nincompoop. A foolish person.

(Used by Jason Schwartzman in the TV show "Bored to Death" in episode 5 of season 2 in reference to a question he asked Vikrum earlier in the episode about what the answer to "42 down" was in the papers crossword puzzle. He later calls Vikrum a "42 down".)

Your a real 42 down.

by beeradvocate December 14, 2010

8πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The 42 Rule

If they will do it for you, they will do it to you

Well she started screwing you while with another man, then she started screwing another dude when you were with her and you are now surprised? She pulled The 42 Rule on you, dude, she did it FOR you then she did it TO you.

by RobertoB January 19, 2021

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

42 trumpet

When two partners love each other very much, they will engage in sexual activities such as the 42 trumpet. The disher will first place valve oil on the trunpet horn. Then, place the trumpet on the their parteners genitals. The disher then will play beethovens 8th symphany, not the seventh nor the ninth.

Jane 42 trumpeted Andrew F. just like everyone else in her pre-school class.

by John Flany December 6, 2006

21πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž