Can be used to against those who cannot type properly. Could be due to being excited, and cannot see the keyboard correctly. Or to show over exaggeration. Only those who type incorrectly often are able to use it.
“This is making me crackle”
“ you are sto dumb omfg”
“ crackle!”
The day after ingesting some type of psychedelic drug such as cannabis, LSD, or any other long lasting compound, such that the day after you feel the remaining effects but are technically not still “high”.
The term crackled refers to that fire that once was burning(your high), but is now only still going by embers.
All of the woodsman know, that all you need is a little more tinder and that crackled fire will start right back up.(referring to ingesting more of the psychedelic compound.)
Fuckin’ crackled man. That shit was so strong last night, I was crackled until the early afternoon.
When you are holding a fart in but it’s slowly leaking out, causing your butt cheeks to crackle.
Ex whew I’m glad I made it to the toilet in time, I was getting major crackle cheeks!
crackle fart means when you are brain-dead for a split second.
"Oh man I had a 'crackle fart ' moment"
The mating call used by male owners of European hot boi hatches, namely Volkswagen's.
The crackle tune was invented to support the alphabet communities, it was so they could alert their boyfriends when nearing home.
This allows them time to douche and lube up for the imminent arrival of their man bun lover.
Did you see the guy with the man bun and the latte in the golf GTI? I bet his crackle tune brings all the boys to the yard.
No Pop. Emerging music genre
Jane: I love the new Sara Jade song ! What genre of music do you think she is?
John: Snap & Crackle......No Pop.