ez dupe meanings easy dupication glitch ezzzzzzzzzzzzz
ez dupe playing anarchy server
to dupe someone off the interwebs.
also see "dupe" or "pwnt"
usually used after someone is POTR or just Pwnt into silence.
"man that guy lagged out"
"thats teh royal dupage goin on"
"yeah man. buttsecks?"
"nah man, just teh royal dupe"
dupe moment
aiden: nooo a creeper blew up my house
sal: lmao dupe moment
A person who lacks intelligence,
Considered dopey and dumb
A.) My sister thinks the new neighbor is Foxy , But he such a dupe
B.) Hey Buddy, These tickets you just bought for game tonight is for last night's game. You just got Dupped
When you trick someone or make them a victim of deception.
Here is a good video that shows ways to dupe people https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3pFFPSlW4
A bitter and hateful person who doesn't realize they are the real dupe.
Iris you are acting like such a dupe!
Dupe basically means copycat/twin but not necessarily in a bad way. It can be used in both a good or bad way depending on the context.
(Your friend’s hair looks exactly like Ariana Grande’s hair)
You: OMG your hair looks amazing!! Ariana duuupe
(Some old guy posts a cringe TikTok that reminds you of Paul Breach)
You: Another hard watch. Paul Breach dupe