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hull noe

When someone asks you a question so ridiculously stupid and the answer is obviously 'no', you reply like this.

When acting a fool, answer every question as such.

Hull noe.

by BakedBroodle December 24, 2010

Hull break

When you play war thunder and then your mom happen

My R3T20 exploded cuz of hull break cuz a Maus shot it oh wait it was your mom

by Thatshrek February 23, 2022

Hull Break

When a shell hits your tank in war thunder, perfectly on a corner so that it immediatly dies due to the hull break feature.

Commonly misunderstood by DarkMistas as the "Overpressure" Mechanic, which knocks out crew due to explosive shock/pressure wave.

Mistas: Hull break is the same as Overpressure!

Everyone else: No the fuck its not.

by RetardiusMaximus June 6, 2024

nathan hull

Nathan Hull is an attractive, awesome guy he loves sport and he is creative. Nathan is very good at tricks (trampoline and ground), and dose parkour and free running. He is very muscly and strong. (Can lift about 150kg in one arm). His arm with (measured around muscle) is about 20 inches. He is great to talk to. He is a great friend and very nice (most of the time).

Wow is that a Nathan Hull?
He's got to be a Nathan Hull

by MaHaBooba August 16, 2015

waxing the hull

When Mark Spector from Sportsnet finds a dead racoon in the trash and fucks it.

Mark was out late last night waxing the hull, so he took the day off.

by Dan Staples June 22, 2017

Hull middle school

a stupid ass school where fat hoes and bum ass gay Indian kids go to preach there shit to gahndi but then we have those dog eaters who get high test scores and then the fuvking high school has a 3.7 rating so fuck

hell middle school is shit
Hull middle school is gay

by ok u hull July 21, 2019

Hull Pussy

Fucking someone vaginally on the hull of a ship

Jerry: Damn, I love hull pussy
Zoe: Let’s organise it then

by LocustEater August 16, 2022