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lingo mango tingo

A very smelly person who likes to dance and hide inside bins.
You can normally spot them hanging around penguins and running away from Lalvin.

Oh no look who it is.
That lingo mango tingo again.

by some_anonymous_guy September 10, 2021

Lingo thirst

When members of Generation Z excessively attempt to introduce nonsensical language into mainstream lexicons, often devoid of logical meaning across any generation.

"Girl 1: Your outfit always eats."
"Girl 2: Your words make no sense and frustrate me. You trying too hard. You got lingo thirst girl."

by sir dizzle June 1, 2024

Personal lingo barrier

Personal lingo barrier, (i made this term), means a personal language barrier, where kne person defines how they see certain words and use them in their head differently than others, this may be a result of using a word in slang to the point it loses its original meaning, viewing certain phrases in a different light, or just being misguided as to what a word actually means, either due to being explained it wrongly, remembering wrongly, or any form of miscommunication

(person one): i was thinking we could go to the museum!
(person two): that would be very silly
(person one) oh, sorry :(
(person two) whats wrong?
(person one) nothing, i just wanted to go to the museum,,
(person two) so why not?
(person one) i thought you said it was silly?
(person two) well, to me, silly is good, like fun, or likeable, a positive thing!
(person one) Oh! so it was a Personal lingo barrier! good to know
(person two) so how about that museum?

by Silly goob :3 July 20, 2024


The way (such as slang) that a person uses in their everyday language. Suttle hints and ways of a person's so called language persona.

That guy's verbo-lingo is so sophisticated yet irrational!

by Motorized Moose April 11, 2021

Tiktok lingo

Someone who only uses tiktok catchphrases or dumbass slang words. These people are almost impossible to talk to without getting mad or being confused by what they just said

Person 1: Bro, I got 5 likes... I literally have 20,000 followers.
Person 2: Damn bruh... just put the fries in the bag already.
Person 1: What the fuck? What does that mean? I don't even work with fast food...
Person 2: Erm... I didn't order a yappaccino. Pack it up dawg.
Person 1: Are you okay??? What is this gibberish.. is it Tiktok lingo?
Person 2: Ain't no way bro don't know what I'm spittin'... yup, he's cooked.

by roskvlls August 11, 2024

lingo online

A service-learning group that teaches students English through conversations via Skype.

Have you heard of Lingo Online?

by DeadforLyfe March 2, 2016