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Slope Hanger

Similar to, but not quite as strong as, the term 'Cliffhanger', used in various media such as TV shows to denote a moment of extreme suspense or surprise at a sudden plot development or revelation which occurs at the very end of an episode. A Slope Hanger is the milder version of this. You're not quite on the edge of your seat, but your cheeks are debating it.

"Lost ended on a slope hanger last night; who's that new guy??"

by PjFitz February 25, 2010

mossy slope

An old slang word for a woman'a nasty, hairy fucking vagina.

It was just an 80s theme party, but Stephanie took it too far by not shaving for 14 weeks. The worse mossy slope I've seen this far.

by Mr. Bright side October 11, 2013


Verb. When one uses his impecable muscles and game to sway young ladies into the 3D's. Most commonly used to steal other people's, especially their own friend's, girlfriends. This technique is widely practiced but only perfected by its own creater, slope himself.

Guy One-"Dude, my girlfriend ditched me, and was hangin' all over some other guy!"
Guy Two-"Man, that sucks. You totally got slope-a-doped"

by My friend got slope-a-doped May 4, 2006

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slope eyed

A facial expression which makes you look like you've had an Asian stroke

You're so drunk, you've gone all slope eyed on me!!

by I love lamp January 20, 2016

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snow slope

your fucking a chick doggy style and she has proped herself up with her hands and the other partner knocks her hands out from under her

I snow sloped this chick last night and she bit the pillow

by derek typed by brian March 9, 2008

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Slippery Slope

n: the unfortunate occurrence of sweat build up between the cheeks of one's anus. This causes an unsettling lack of friction, and often a concern that the victim has shit them self. It is usually caused by heat and excessive walking, and is often paired with a Slippery Slope. Can be cured with toilet paper or, for the more daring, a self-induced wedgie.

Tim: Oh, butternuts, I stubbed my toe.

Darrel: Shit, nigga, we got bigga problems than that. I got a Slippery Slope back here, and we ain't seen a bathroom in miles!

Tim: I'll call an ambulance.

by Whoopsht October 10, 2011

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slippery slope

A highly overused cliche phrase used by talk radio jocks, political analysts, and political tv show wannabes.

By voting in Dubya's abortion ban, congress has sent America down a slippery slope.

by D33z l33t nutZ June 3, 2004

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