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A-class Warrior

One who takes only A-level classes and never challenges themselves with the intention of getting straight A's and boosting their GPA with no effort, even though they could easily be taking higher-level AP or honors classes. Similar to a gpa whore in nature, except not as extreme, and less of a try-hard. Similar in connotation to a Gym class warrior, being an A-class Warrior is not honorable and is frowned upon by actual smart people. Some National Honor Society clubs are full of A-class Warriors.

The only reason Tyra is in the top 10 is because she's an A-class Warrior.

by whichwitchking March 5, 2019

Jigga Warrior

Originated from hip hop websites and forums concerning rapper Jay-Z. It means someone that is obsessed with Jay-Z in one way or another to the point where they will either defend him at all costs (some even giving their lives) or incessantly talking about him with disgust and or hate, usually because Jay-Z didn't give them an autograph.

Yo you think Jay-Z is cool because he's rich? Nah man you a Jigga Warrior for real, GTFOH!

by Mr Parker from da IllCommunity July 22, 2009

eBay Warrior

An person who will sell anything on eBay just to make a small amount of money and impress his online warrior friends with his high feedback!!!

Person 1: I might go into that charity shop, buy everything and sell it on ebay.

Person 2: Why in the hell would you wanna do that?

Person 1: Its all about the FEEDBACK!!!! I love eBay!!!

Person 2: Your so sad!! Stupid eBay Warrior

by corpie16 October 18, 2010

warrior cats

books about violent cats.

Warrior cats are good books. Have you read them?

by GalaxyTheCat October 22, 2020

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Cell Warrior

Incarcerated individual whose tone softens when he/she hears the gentle hum of the automatic release of their cell door.

When behind locked metal door, will often make claim that he/she will, "...rape your fucking skull and shoot my skeet on yo' bitch ass neck...", but will often close his/her own door in the event of an accidental cell block release.

Bubble Bitch: Hey Prescott, are you worried about those Chiefs in New Seg?


by 1302 July 6, 2005

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false warrior

a person who plays on line games and posts about the person they just slay. When in reality they never slay anything.

Marshall is always posting his scores in those online war games, he has false warrior dreams. His only war is deciding how to tell a new story.

by dickjohnsons September 8, 2010

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God Warrior

The nickname of a terribly obese fucked up unit named Margaret who appeared on the show Trading Spouses. A self-proclaimed devout Christian who got freaked out by the family she visited on the show, who were in her words "Dark sided" --but as she pronounces it "Dork Sided". She thought a dishwasher was posessed because it operated loudly, and imagined smells and tried to throw up for attention. Upon returning back to her own family after the spouse swap, she unleashed all her fury in a memorable and extremely loud rant in which she made a huge ass of herself--bigger than the ass she already has. After telling the camera crew to "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, IN JESUS' NAME I PRAY" and tearing up an envelope and claiming to not accept the money the show awards, she recanted and hopefully got that gastric bypass she needed to avoid that yokosuna-like arse and T-Rex arms.

I felt sorry for God Warrior's husband and children, they all seem nice but are victims of God Warrior's dementia as she belted out her lines "GARGOYLES, PSYCHICS, GARGOYLES, PSYCHICS, EVERYTHING UNGODLY", and "SHE'S NOT A CHRIS-TIAN!" I rebuke God Warrior's stupidity in the name of the Lord.

by cero2611 December 27, 2006

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