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The process of turning Canada into a third world country through incompetency and moral ineptitude.

ArriveCan - the 250 million dollar app that was approved by his office that did nothing and that even the Auditor General could not account for. A catch and release program for criminals and free drugs for addicted citizens to ‘cure’ them. Wtf?? (where’s the funds??) we are now living in a third world country and don’t even know it!!! FU Trudeau!!

by natchoman2 February 17, 2024


verb. To do something extraordinarily self serving and stupid.

When asked at work to submit his report, Justin lied and said he had to go home because he had covid. His co-workers knew Justin had just trudeaued

by Olddeadmom March 23, 2022



To avoid answering a direct question and instead responding with a tangentially related nonanswer


Child: Dad, what colour is the sky?

Parent: Your government will always stand up for all Canadians whether they are outside and can see the sky or inside where they cannot see the sky

Oh man, that's a really cutting question that I can't answer, I better trudeau it.

I tried trudeauing the essay question, but I got an F

by Peter1984 September 23, 2022

170👍 13👎


An individual that is somehow Incompetent, greedy and conniving at the same time.

Somebody that will plunge a country into a shitshow if I means upping his paycheck out of china's glory hole.

Trudeau is the perfect puppet to use to feed propaganda and various violations through means that no honest person would agree to.

by Monkeyciggy November 23, 2021

Trudeau Diet

The diet of eating less food because one cannot afford adequate groceries due to high inflation in Canada.

It looks like Paul is on the Trudeau diet! He’s incredibly thin!

by The man with an unknown name May 24, 2024


The act of roughing up peaceful protestors who oppose tyranny .

The protestors were Trudeaued and thrown in jail .

by Stockmooch February 25, 2022

251👍 5👎

Justin Trudeau

A drama teacher who decided to take his dad's job and realized he couldn't do it, so he became a puppet for the Chinese Government.

A.K.A Wimp, coward, useless rich guy and worst politician in the world.

Pierre Trudeau at least was a prime minister, unlike his son, Justin Trudeau.

by CarpeDiem123456 May 7, 2024

102👍 26👎