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has small penis wanks and listens to his sister get bumbed and is from soviet russia and is a cunt half the time and the other time he is drinking vodka and calls everyone retarded

o man he is a (valentina )

by mr skinny penis December 24, 2017

2๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

valentina gladys santiago

the #1 gf in the world. an AMAZING human being. literally so stunning

valentina gladys santiago is so amazing

by kekelezzy August 10, 2021

Valentina M

she likes touching little people and should be arrested for being LESBIAN, she likes to hit and abuse animals. She also tried to be a ballerina but failed miserably, she got embarrassed in-front of year 12s and they all gave her dirty looks and she looked like a dumb donkey. She also looks like shrek from the movie 'SHREK'

shrek- "Valentina M looks like me."

by jenila April 3, 2024

valentina arce

Its a beatufil person in my life and i love him, please Valentina give me a chance, i love you... You're incredible, perfect.

Wow its Valentina Arce it's fantastic!!!

by Alberto5679 February 9, 2018

Valentina Arevalo

Amazing, loyal, humble, and pretty. Her bsf is khiani, they are the Aquarius+Gemini duo๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’˜

Valentina Arevalo is such a trustworthy person.

by Stanjimin December 25, 2020

Valentina Giallo

Valentina Giallo is essentially an urban legend she is known to be the most massive human to ever live evidence that she lives is frail as when she walks it is said the Richter scale breaks and the whole world cracks in half some say she is hiding as a smaller form somewhere in St paul secondary

Holy shit is that a meteor or is that valentina giallos foots

by Matthew muffolini December 18, 2024

Valentina piccolo

Valentina Piccolo, basically a bitch.

She just talks bad about everything and everyone and makes herself look like she is the victim.

BEWARE she may be a drug addict.


by ahaterandalover November 22, 2021