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World of Warcraft.

Often the main talking point in any university(unfortunately) school and now pubs and clubs (Stop bringing webmasters to your local pubs and clubs to get him drunk for fucks sake)

Wow is often badmouthed by people who haven't played it, don't want to play or did play it and gave up playing it after finding out in order to get anywhere in the game you needed to join a large guild led by fucktards who demand you are on WoW all hours of the day to help them get some crusader sword of great justice or something equally retarded in a 12 hour dungeon run.

"So you're an online gamer? What games do you play?"

"I play wow, I have an lvl 60..."

"Sigh, another WoW player."

by Mark January 17, 2007

55πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


World of Warcraft was Created by Blizzard entertainment in 2004 and is an MMORPG. Due to a lot of Media Attention the game has Has a lot of Negative Feedback from people who have
A)played the game and truly quit after realising they ruined their social life
B)Havnt played the game but has heard other negative Feedback from other people
c)Just want to insult those from A

The game Requires a lot of Teamwork and cooperation which not many people wish to do

The game does a lot of Mental Experiments such as the Bug which i read out the newspaper the other day which found out how people reacted to Pandemics.

World of Warcraft or WoW in abreviation is a decent game to my standards but only for the veteran gamer THIS IS NOT THE KIND OF GAME FOR CHILDREN TO START OFF ON try something like runescape or guild wars which are free and can be quit easily like i know
i play World of warcraft myself but i reccomend only to the experienced gamer not the 12 year old kid who wishes to enter the Adult world of gaming

1. "Dood...I can't wait until the WoW expansion pack comes out!!"
(current Expansion pack out now for purchase is the burning crusade and the next expansion pack the Invasion of the lich king expected to come out soon)

2. "hey Priest Wanna form a group to get some XP"

3. "alright thumvs up lets do this, LEEROOOOOOOOOOOYYYYY JENKINS!!!!111"
"oh my god he just ran in"

by Adcaro Trueblade August 30, 2007

49πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


Adictive Internet game thats worse than crack!! (World Of Warcrack)

Cant Wait till i go home to play WoW(World Of Warcraft) its the best game EVER!!

by ipwnuwithmyrogue June 9, 2007

36πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


WOW is MOM spelled upsidedown because, well, MOMs are ....WOW!!!

parent does something awesome, like sending goodie packs to hungry college students

by The Ultimate Mother January 31, 2005

81πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


amazing, wonderful, extreme

You were like WOW last night

by Catlyn December 23, 2003

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W.O.W stands for wack off Wednesday that’s the day all off the males of the military wack off hence forth W.O.W

Wow it’s one of those days Oh boy

by HOMERDICKSOAP February 20, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a word to exclaim shock, and that’s it

lmao that is so funny wow

by geneva0 November 4, 2019

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