Noun, a continuous vertical brick or stone structure that encloses or divides an area of land.
Verb, enclose (an area) within walls, especially to protect it or lend it some privacy.
"Wall is cool."
‘Walls’ is a slang word that Julien Bam and Rezo created in their podcast ‘Hobbylos’ on August 14th 2021.
It describes the feeling of have been stayed inside for too long (throughout the pandemic but also in general).
It can be used for both: stayed inside for too long and just feeling the vibe of staying inside.
“Hey, how are you?”
“Dunno just feeling walls today”
a weapon that i use when the power out and my crush and u are in a room
wall :
i work better in the dark
to write on someone's facebook wall again and again and again...
"lindsay just gave me 50 notifications from writing on my wall"
"ugh i hate walling"
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