A whiff of any type so significant that everyone watching will start having an eyebleed. It´s such a massive whiff that 50% of players delete the videogame after a "noaplays whiff". The "noaplays whiff" originates from a game of Valorant, where the legend NoaPlays sprayed and prayed without a single bullet hitting. Related to "Roza Ult".
thats a noaplays whiff, i want to kill myself after seeing a whiff like that.
a whiff is a smelly welly thing that can smell really smelly like a belly whiff nugget
man that boy has a stanky whiff nugget in his butt
Slang term for World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now World Wrestling Entertainment), implying that the product stinks.
I watched the last WhiFF pay per view and I'm never watching another one. They don't give the fans what they want.
When you miss some shots in an FPS game and everyone starts to become toxic and flames you just because you can't hit your shots.
Me: I whiff every shot but still managed to climb to Diamond in Valorant by learning Viper lineups.
Friend: You don't have a life, do you?
Humorous parody-phrase to mean "no puffin', please!"
Alternative phrases for da "no whiffs, brands, or butts" saying could be either, "no sniffs i.e., what nasally-offended people would frowningly do when they "whiff" the offensive/irritating smell of a cigarette's being puffed, blands instead of "brands" --- as in Marlboros or Winstons --- this word would refer to "lights", as in, non-full-flavor cancer-sticks, or butts", or "no odifs i.e., actions that are odiferous, wands i.e., long tubular objects, or butts".
A phrase used by New Yorkers when they smell weed or marijuana to tell their friends for them to smell it also
Take a whiff of that good good weed
Getting of your face on cocaine
You ready for festive whiffs