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Adjective---negative and derogatory slangs applied to persons who exhibit the following:

1. slang for a person, meaning “dirty” or “smelly” due to a lack of regural hygienic maintenance.

2. a coward; if you call someone French you are saying that they would rather surrender than fight and die for a noble cause.

3. One who is perceived or assumed to be sexually promiscuous and venereal disease ridden.
One who has no regard for morals-- civil ones and theological.

4. One who enjoys consuming frogs and snails.

5. One who is exceedingly flamboyant and mistaken for being homosexual.

6. a person possessing physical characteristics that are stereotypically yet popularly used to portray French people such as in pictures, cartoons, movies and caricatures.
These characters usually are portrayed sporting berets, striped flamboyantly skin-tight shirts, and ugly ill-fitting pants. They will almost always have a huge shnoz (nose) with a lit cigarette dangling loosely from the lips. A Thin creepy mustache that sometimes curls at the end will also be a red flag trait along with stubble all over their oily skin. Their facial expression and countenance always appears as if they are tired and haven’t slept for days, or as if they are coming out of a hang over (which they probably are). Sometimes this is accompanied by a slightly creepy lethargic smile usually leading one to believe they are thinking dirty thoughts about the next young woman to cross their paths on the Parisian streets.
They usually reek of a combination of old moldy cheese, wine and cigarettes, and a nauseating dose of body odor. They usually have baguettes under there arm; it is unknown what they do with this baked good.

German student: Did you see Pierre today? He's such a french frog!
Dutch student: Hey! dont insult the frogs that way! They are victims in all of this!

by Rated [R] February 6, 2007

97👍 338👎


According to the some of the "definitions" here, French means Oral Sex and Evil.

Person A: What's your nationality?
Person B: French-oh, I mean Oral Sex and Evil.

by Harahjesus September 26, 2007

45👍 142👎


1. A person from the Western-European country of France, who thinks his/her country has the best education system in the world but he/she is unable to say a proper sentence in any other modern language.

2. A person who thinks his/her country is the best because he/she has not been in other countries.

3. A person who uses to take a shower only once a week, and change clothes only when they stink and think she/he is cool for doing so.

4. A fanatic left wing person who thinks work and richness are evil and Stalin was a genius.

5. A male homosexual.

6. A married man who likes when his wife cheats on him.

7. A person who fears change and modernity.

"Hey have you seen the new boy friend of Mike? His clothes are old and dirty and he looks like a beggar"

"Yeah, He's French"

by Nholgerson February 28, 2007

59👍 201👎


the french are a wimpy country

dude 1:how many french people does it take to win a war?
dude 2: umm... 3???
(usually followed by a laugh of some sort..)

by rafie June 25, 2006

53👍 180👎


A derogatory term, when said to somebody residing in the United Kingdom. Generally meaning that they are a coward/pussy

Stop being so French.

A phrase used to say to someone, to stop being such a pussy.
Generally used by english kids forced to learn french.

See also surrender monkey

Kid surrenders to a hoodie with a knife.

Onlooking dude: i swear that kids french

by amilegend February 24, 2010

27👍 88👎


The worlds biggest pussies. They talk feminine and fight weak.

That fight didn’t happen because the opponent became French and quit

by Duckbane September 27, 2018

5👍 6👎


ugly annoying snobby people who always have a bad attitude
. they talk as if they have something stuck in their nose. they think there better then everyone else and there racist

Oliver is an evil french man.

by lalabambaebe123 October 2, 2008

53👍 187👎