Jun ze is a asian boy with a very unik and weird haircut. He is also a very talkative boy but always make his best effort to put a smile on everybody's face.
Her: hahaha he is funny what might be his name?
You : maybe it's jun ze. Does he has a weird haircut?
ze yang is quite friendly. But if he gets angry, he will not hesitate to throw any thing in his hand. lets say scissors. He is very annoying some times. he gets quite good grades but he is very full of it. He is very bossy and brags a lot.
the most bad ass person ever most people beleive he has sexuall desires for ben, travis, eric, stew, dirt, jorge and milk an irc bot
oh shit here comes ZE ALFY travis said, get out the dildo
He wants admun but Pleblo won't giv him it. RIP admun 1 liek a day and maybe in the next 3 decades pug might have admun somdaey.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Look at ze golden pug still a supermod. Get a lief, get admun.
Ze beetle is a fried moik word for a mungo who paints raith rovers fc, shoutout to ali and rashford. Chiiiips n vineeeeger