A god. A lord. A planet destroyer.
Chet is commonly known as “the blue snail from turbo.” But he is also a god and should be worshipped as such
“Dude did you worship Chet today?”
To cry passiontely after a solid masturbation session.
Bro: Yeah man, had a solid night. Got home, had a chet session, it was emotionally a great time.
over focusing due to usage of drug specially weed or marijuana.
well i feel chet when i smoke marijuana, come on man dont be chet and just listen carefully.
slang for holy shit. cooler version and less vulgar. goofy silly for shiiitttt if you will
dman: bro i just lost my monkey!
workman: holy chettttt
big red braddock: chet.
b ray: chet no way
pearce the vail: what the chet
seany o: aww chetttt not again!
brittoney spears: well chet let’s go buy some bananas!
slang for shit or holy shit or oh shit. cooler and less vulgar/derogative. goofier and sillier if you will. used in the context of something cool happening or bad or good
dman: vro i just lost my monkey!
workman: holy chetttt
big red braddock: chet.
pearce the vail: what the chet!
b ray: awww chetttt
seany o: you gotta be chetting me!
brittoney spears: chet! we better go get some bananas!
A man who may or may not have played in Denver
Hey, is Chet playing in Denver with San Holo?
A Chet is a rude person who will go out with a girl just to break her heart.
(Girl)Chet just broke up with me.😭
(Friend)he is such a chet.😡😡