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Reverse Loli

A woman who is middle-aged or elderly but has the emotional and mental capacity of a small child. This is the inverse of a Loli, an anime trope that involves pre-pubescent girls whose sexualization is often justified within the story because they are actually a "1000 year old vampire" which are shallow attempts to avoid accusations of pedophilia. As a result, this is relatively uncharted territory and could have lots of potential to create a new hentai genre.

Person 1: you see that hot lady over there?
Person 2: Bro, she's like 90-something! She even has a walker, what's wrong with you?
Person 1: Nah bro, she's just a reverse loli. She's "young" at heart.
Person 2: You're still a sick fuck

by MrLongNekk December 10, 2020

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legal loli

weeb type of excuse to pedophilia

weaboo: she's legal, she only looks like a 11 year old
me: no legal lolis
you fucking degenerate

by niggapilled August 22, 2020

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Loli Slap

When a person or thing constantly says the phrase "Desu" they get a slap to the face.

Adam: Yo dude michael is such a loli

Victor: Yeah I loli slaped him last night

Adam: Kinky

Victor: Michael check out my new name! Desuman!

*Michael has lolislaped Victor*

Michael: It was super effective!

by WtfDidIJustMake August 6, 2010

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Loli Hell

(Anime) A condition in an anime where a character is placed in an embarrassing or compromising position by one or more lolies

The pool episode in Ryo-Kyu-Bu put Subaru in loli hell

by CZ#1 September 4, 2020

King of Lolis

Someone you should be careful of. They may pretend to be a girl, make you fall in love, accept your confession and wait before telling you they're actually a guy.

Person 1: Did you hear that King of Lolis is actually a guy?
Person 2: No way, I totally thought he was a girl

by KING OF LOLIS March 30, 2020

Loli porno

The best thing ever.

I like loli porno it’s so hot he put his bit dick in her small pink pussy

by Sussy_baka May 11, 2021

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Lolita possibilities within an anime (or regular show, just a helluva lot more likely in anime). Basically, if you see something semi-exploitative with a girl that looks more than a little shy of that sweet 16 on the box art for a series.

"Man, have you seen that show that's ENTIRELY BASED IN A MIDDLE SCHOOL? Talk about loli-bilities. Hey, there's someone at the door, one sec......OH SHIT THE COPS, CHEESE IT"

by Creeples January 22, 2014

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