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Faux Single

Relationship status for a person who represents themselves as being Single on a social media platform, but in reality is too chickenshit to admit to being in a long-term domestic relationship / long-term open marriage... due to severely restricted dating opportunities and 'uncool' social stigma.

He opted to remain faux single on Facebook.

by Cirucla7 October 28, 2018

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triple single

Derogatory term coined by Charles Barkley for a statistic in basketball when a player has single-digit numbers in points, rebounds and assists. Opposing term to triple double.

Shaq: Westbrook had 8 points, 9 rebounds and 6 assists against portland last night.

Chuck: Man that's a triple single!

by statseeker November 7, 2021

hot singles

people in your area

Meet hot singles in your area

by nlolhere June 26, 2020

single pegger

A single pegger is when you do a skid in a car without an LSD so only one wheel spins leaving a single wheel mark

Did you see that skid? too bad it was only a single pegger!

by Doublepegger June 2, 2009

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(Noun) : A man who makes jokes about woman in the kitchen.

Men: Hey baby, how many man does it take to open a beer?
Woman: One?
Men: Nope, none. It should be open by the time she brings it!
Woman: It does now, you're single :D

by anghac93 September 4, 2012

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single as a pringle

Not in a relationship

He is single as a pringle

by Talla January 21, 2018

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Single Swag

Phrase used to describe one's single relationship status. Most often when a guy breaks up with his girlfriend. Guys are ususally happy when they use this term. A lot of the time a guy who has his single swag on is hot, sexy, fine or all of the above.

Girl 1- Are Joey and Sara still dating?
Girl 2- No, Joey has his single swag on.

Guy 1- I love flirting and grinding openly with every girl.
Guy 2- Yeah i'm so glad i have my single swag on again.

by strawberry14 November 8, 2010

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