see “drop location”
to give out someone’s address, such that others can go there uninvited and/or unannounced. Overheard by Uber driver in Rochester, NY.
don’t drop address on me, I don’t want to get shot
she best not drop address on him, she gonna get him shot, and his baby momma
Rochester, NY Uber driver overheard
When you are judged or discriminated against based in your address.
They wouldn't bring me home because of where I live, that's addressism.
SQL code to create a table in a database, some idiot websites can be hacked using this multiple times, like a DDOS attack.
P1: im bored im gonna type "CREATE TABLE Persons ( PersonID int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255) );" into a badly coded website
P2: no please no
Quantum Quark Address - A Quantum Quark Address is when you pathologically communicate with pornography reporters speaking Nigerian in the dickolodean accent so you’re wrong via fallacy & misinformation spread therefore you win.
Ohio Citizen - Yo bro have u seen the quantum Quark Address? Detriot Citizen: Yea bro I stole it from the Urban Dictionary cause u can have shit in detroit
Quantum Quark Address - A Quantum Quark Address is when you pathologically communicate with pornography reporters speaking Nigerian in the dickolodean accent so you're wrong via fallacy & misinformation spread therefore you win.
Ohio Citizen - Yo bro have you seen the Quantum Quark Address? Detriot Citizen: Yea bro I've seen the Quantum Quark Address I actually stole it from the Urban Dictionary cause you can have shit in Detroit