Source Code

shogun approach

When you're asked random-ass obscure question in writing (e.g. via Email) referring to an even more obscure document (usually a spreadsheet), and are forced to acknowledge it's existence.

"Hey man, what-the-eff Jeff sent me a message apologizing for using the shogun approach, you have any idea what he's on about?"

by TheyCallMeBubbles April 3, 2019

The "Gain" Approach

Originally named after a UK student, the "Gain" approach involves completing a task using the least effort possible.

Usually applied to programming, it relies on templates, copying large chunks of code, and limiting functionality to decrease production time.

So long as the output meets the minimum test criteria, it is considered a success.

Person 1 : How are you ever going to finish your project by the end of the week

Person 2 : Easy I shall just use the "Gain" approach.

by clarkzoncrazy January 28, 2012

Another approach

To do it again. Start over. Fall and get back up. Do it a different way.

You tried the first time but it ain’t work that way, so I gotta try something different. You gotta just make another approach.

by Bawsev March 4, 2021

Missed Approach

When the dick slips out during sex.

"Oh shit I Missed Approach"

by Flickdawristohhhh March 18, 2017

Approach to Knowledge

Yeah yeah I totally get that man. You got the 2 types right? Michael Malice was talking about this, right? Where you got the 2 types of people, right? Like, the first guy looks at what's around him and deduces conclusions. Like ME! And the other guy has a worldview in his head and he tries to make reality comport with that worldview.... Like the guy who's trying to use Nikki Haley to pass his anti-online anonymity legislation. Or the conservatives trying to legislate and boycott the gays away. What is the name of that guy.... Oh wait! It's Dr. Jordan! He's the one doing that! He tried to frame it as though it's the communists doing the thing be HE'S the one trying to force reality to comport with his vision.

Hym "Yeah, that approach to knowledge where you try to do that thing you're doing is dogshit. That's largely the problem here."

by Hym Iam December 25, 2023

My approach

It isn't going to change. You're doimg this out of spite and I'm not going to let you off the hook for nothing. Again, I don't actually care about the morality of it at this point. If doing something immoral prevent you from "training" me. I'm not changing my behavior.

Hym "I'm not changing my approach. This or the child murder. Choose."

by Hym Iam April 8, 2024

ronis is approaching.

a term used to anticipate the arrival of ronis.

ronis is approaching.

by wiggitywowzerz420 July 25, 2021