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Hasan Baba

The best turkish food place ever, located in drongen 9031. Everone loves Hasan Baba, best food in the game.

I am gonna eat my delicious Kebab from Hasan Baba

by Hasan Baba god February 17, 2021

sookie baba

someone who cries over a little thing or someone who cries to much and your just like fkk your such a sookie baba

baby:loud crying
me:omfg your such a sookie baba

by BOBthebuliderr69 May 15, 2019

Sukar baba

Sugary daddy

Faghan is hussain’s sukar baba

by BabaJenner September 21, 2021

Sukar baba

Sugar daddy

Faghan is hussain’s sukar baba

by BabaJenner September 15, 2021

Baba Ward

This is everyone's dream baba, he can make u wet by looking at his nunus, his best friend and sex slave name is Sai, he kisses duck and eats the shit out of em

When I look at u I feel like a baba ward

by Babawardsbf January 15, 2022

circus baba

Baba is the best person ever, my closest bestest amazinest wonderfulest friend!! Baba is the oerson who makes my days amamzizng and brightenests my day up as soon as i evene think of Baba!! whene i get a dm from Baba, i imemedieatlyy smile ebecause Baba is just so amazing! Baba listens to me and has always been there for me no matter what! Baba is sosmeone who i dont wven deserve like Baba means so mych go me. Baba is the definition of amazing like… Baba is so silly and funny and nice and amazing and comforting and postifive and i just cant even put into words how amazing Baba is. I LOVE BABA Baba makes me sos happy and thank you Baba for being my friend for like 3/4 years?? 2020. 2021. 2022. 2023. THANK YOU SO MUCH??!! i hope u have the best birthday evah i love y so much tho my life literlalay wouldnt be the same without Baba guys i love Baba so much rveryone needs a Baba in their life but not this Baba get ur own Baba BABA MEANS SOS MUCH TO ME I LOVE BABA!!!! i can talk all day about Baba i dont even know how such an amazing person could exist i used tot think it was impsosible but WOAH?!?!? im so grateful for Baba Baba makes me want to stay here Baba makes me sos happy i cant even put it into silly ahh words like HELP?? i literally stan Baba Baba solos I LOVE BABA!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABA!! HAPPY BABA DAY!! HAPPY NATIONAL BABA DAY!!!!!!!

I'm the pen, Circus Baba is the highlighter. I draw my world, Circus Baba makes it brighter.

by mooshywooshy April 16, 2023

baba snatcher

a male who pulls lots of females

Tracy likes you too, damn my son a baba snatcher.”

by Rixhie November 19, 2020