A half-human, garden-spud hybrid. Barely considered a person, someone who is borderline retarded is someone who shows every trait of mental retardation in every possible faculty.
Person 1: "She said 'good morning' at 5PM"
Person 2: "'Cause she's borderline retarded"
Someone who has a background in religion but does not practice fully and is skeptical about said religion
I am borderline religious when it comes to the Bible because I don’t know if I believe all of it!
Borderline proof refers to evidence or a conclusion that is not yet proven but stands on the edge of being proven or accepted.
The theory of evolution is a borderline proof.
1. Almost entirely evil and/or undesirable.
2. Refers to a grape which rotten or shriveled almost to the point of raisnry
Priscilla is so mean, she is borderline raisin.
someone or something being so close to disgusting it makes you and everyone around you gag, but not being so disgusting that it actually makes you throw up in your mouth
kyle almost makes me vomit, he's borderline disgusting!