A person who hovers behind someone on the computer while giving unwanted and/or unrequested advice on how to do everything.
He thought i didn't know how to use the Internet, and proceeded to be a Background Browser.
A temporary storage area in memory or on disk that holds the most recently downloaded Web pages.
Common types of caches include browser cache, disk cache, memory cache, and processor cache. Browser cache - Most web browsers cache webpage data by default. For example, when you visit a webpage, the browser may cache the HTML, images, and any CSS or JavaScript files referenced by the page.
A temporary storage area in memory or on disk that holds the most recently downloaded Web pages.
Common types of caches include browser cache, disk cache, memory cache, and processor cache. Browser cache - Most web browsers cache webpage data by default. For example, when you visit a webpage, the browser may cache the HTML, images, and any CSS or JavaScript files referenced by the page.
when you have so many tabs and so many windows of your internet browser open that it is affecting the performance of your computer and the browser itself.
I had 7 windows of my browser open and 347 tabs open in my main window. I couldn't even get the mouse to move on the screen so I just filed for browser bankruptcy.
Browser Baiting is when you do internet searches for strange and odd things that you do not want just to trick the browser int displaying ads for those things.
I did a bunch of browser baiting last night. Looked for "eel shoes", "rubber volcanos" and "plastic pants". Getting some seriously odd stuff today.
An inconceivable term that should not exist. It means software that is installed across a network of internet browsers. Not secure, not safe, not feasible, not real. The type of term a salesperson would come up with without speaking to a member of marketing first.
My software is a browser-based cloud, the only thing more secure is a chimpanzee holding a banana.
something you need to delete when youre about to die
no example,delete my browser history when i die