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donnie burton

A true leader of men. Ability to be an "army of one." Determined and creative. Risk taker and believer in those who can remain consistent and loyal. Charismatic and loved by just about all, unless you have the misfortune of crossing or being selfish toward him or his people. Strong will, wont be fooled easily, as he moves in very strategically in all situations.

Donnie Burton keeps going until he wins.

by Boss Finder November 23, 2021

luke burton

a drug used by tramps in africa

my dad does luke burton

by drews peacocks January 3, 2010

micah burton

The most handsomest guy you will ever lay eyes on. He's really sweet and maybe a little shy. He can steel your heart with one word or movement. He likes to fuck and is amazing at it. He's overall the best guy around

Micah burton is a real stud.

by Annonomouseeee July 7, 2015

Joe burton

Big man strong and usually has glasses

Joe Burton what a great surprise

by Weird boy 68419 November 11, 2019

'83 Burton

Expression used to applaud the most badass of acts consisting of, but not limited to: alcoholism, smoking of marijuana, kicking ass, ultimate bass skills, and general gnarliness. Applies to situations more badass than '87 Hetfields.

"Did you just see Tony jump through that fire? Totally '83 Burton"

"on the telephone Holy shit, Ron drank two cases by himself and fucked his girlfriend's mom?! That's fucking '83 Burton!!"

by Ram Dass July 19, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tim Burton

Mind rapist.

Mind Rape Victim: ...

Friend 1: Whats wrong with Dave?

Friend 2: He... He just saw Alice in Wonderland.

Friend 1: So?

Friend 2: ...The new one...

Friend 1: Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Why!!!!!!! Why Tim Burton?!?!?!!? Whhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy!?!?!?!?!?!!!?!???!?!??!

by KingShady April 4, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thomas Burton

A fucking cunt who thinks he has a ton of friends, but really everyone hates him. He playes every girl and try's to get nudes from 7th graders๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ โ™‚๏ธ If you get a girlfriend you constantly cheat on her. And your voice is higher than I was last week.

Thomas Burton is a Fag.

by U already know๐Ÿ™ƒ September 2, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž