Everything about her is hot, but she’s flat chested
Went on a date with a girl last night, she was cute but she was a buttercup.
the nickname that joey torres calls nikki g.
joey is in love with the one and only buttercup aka nikki.
Slang: A pouch of skin containing the testicles.
Johnny like his buttercups sucked.
A phrase you use to refer to a women who has huge boobs
Hey girl, you got some reis’s buttercups
The best green creature with a banana peel hat ever. My personal best friend
Book character written by the best author/celebrity ever. Matthew Grey Gubler.
"Rumple Buttercup is one of the greatest books ever written."
"I know, don't you just love his little hat."
When spray man juice in your cousins ass then suck it out with a straw.
"Family reunions are so weird since I gave Sarah a Dixie Buttercup!"