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cadence is actually the most retarded, unfunny, and ugliest person u will ever meet in your life. If you happen to come across a cadence she can easily be killed just by one karate chop to the head. This will knock her out and you can freely rape her mom after.

"oh look a cadence"
"lets beat her up and rape her mom"

by ooga booga man 3000 June 25, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

National Cadence Day

National Cadence Day is a day to celebrate all your fellow friends named Cadence!! National Cadence Day takes place on March 31st.

"oh my gosh! it's national cadence day!"

by vivifyin March 28, 2022

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

UPS-truck cadence

Dat delightful "click-kuh, click-kuh, click-kuh, click-kuh..." flashers-relay sound dat you hear when da brown boxy delivery-van is parked in front of your house, instantly throwing your excitement into overdrive in eager breathless anticipation of whatever delightful package that the driver is gonna deliver to your family.

Dat familiar UPS-truck cadence may indeed be an exciting sound for regular residential customers to hear, but da loud cloying rhythm quickly becomes "old" for da driver, since he has to listen to it all day at each and every delivery-stop, when he has to activate da truck's safety-flashers.

by QuacksO February 25, 2019

Cadence Kneipp

The girl with the world's largest and hardest forehead, and if she headbutts you, you will surely die. Best stay away from girls named cadence if you value your life.

Girl 1: Cadence has such a big forehead!
Girl 2: I know right! I bet she's top heavy.
Cadence Kneipp: The girl with the world's largest forehead.

by Cadence Kneipp September 15, 2021

Cadence ending

Just like a short ending this uses two notes instead of one if the first note is a perfect fifth down from the tonic, which then resolves to the second note, which is the tonic, this is to be played in the quick secession using short notes however, though there is some instances using the notes being still Marcato But having a longer delayed rest

The cadence ending resolves everything

by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023


1) To cadence is to quote every line from pretty much any movie you watch.

2) To sing every song that is in a movie or on someones Itunes just to sing.

"Wow! You were totally just cadenceing that movie! You knew the entire thing word for word!"

"I just know all the words.....whats wrong with that? But your right I can totally cadence that movie."

by Lily James December 9, 2009


the most beautiful prettiest girl iโ€™ve ever seen in the whole wide world

you know cadence?
sheโ€™s so pretty.

by ilovebows1234 January 10, 2024