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caught on the job

when one is thrashing away like a mad monkey.... (furiously masturbating) and not being in a state of awareness to anything going on around you. Which can leave you open to been caught on the job by a family member, friend, lover, unsuspecting civilian etc..

awwww man i was thrashin well bad the other day when i was caught on the job by some random person walking by.

by howler monkey September 8, 2005

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Caught an O

To orgasm.

I caught an O last night while having sex.

by J.N. Growling February 1, 2011

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Caught in 4k

Getting caught doing something weird or something you weren’t supposed to do in clear quality

Bro got caught in 4k

by sageinctrl May 2, 2022

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caught in a lue

The period of time when two individuals are infectiously love smitten for one another.

"Hey Mackenzie, have you seen Annie today?"
-"No, not recently. She's been caught in a lue with that guy she met ever since finals."

by Dante_ck May 15, 2014

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Caught em

When you catch someone doing or saying something that is slightly homosexual

Justin was looking at another dudes but Archie looked to will and said "Caught em"

Will said Archie looks nice today , Archie replied "caught em"

by Ceoswole March 17, 2016

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Caught in 4k

Where someone has been caught being hormonal in a public area or on social media

He was caught in 4k after that pokimane reply

by Cappy_god February 22, 2021

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Caught up

The idea that work is the first thing that comes first and that being "caught up" is "putting all focus and piority into work only"
"Caught up was shortened from the phrase "caught up" in the biz"

"I don't have the time yar, caught up I told you before !"

by FamalamFamzee February 9, 2015

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