Exceedingly excellent; ice cold gangster
Yo, you’re lookin mad dab chilli today.
A man or womans ass hole when refering to buttsex
That girl last night was a real freak, she let me put it in her chillie socket
To be super cool or awesome. Also used to describe good clothing style. The complete opposite of Thomas Everett Guidrey.
“Do you know who's Chilly Fresh?” “Elisabro, Melani Mariah Hargrave, Brookie Wookie, and Biggie B but NOT Thomas Everett Guidrey.”
rubbing chilli over someone's anus and licking it off
I chilli rimmed her last night
3👍 1👎
A guy who is the goat everyone loves him he is the best at everything people always ask him why are you so perfect
I want to be like Tavaris chillis
It is used to a person who is going crazy. In other words "relax"
P1 : yo, bro chilly-out
p2: I am chilly-out
A phrase used to exclaim one's coldness.
"It's cold outside." - John
"Chilly whiskers!" - Jack