A marble collector, is a man who enjoys taking the butt virginity, of other men. The term marble collecting, has been used in the gay community, for many years. A lot of men who are not all the way out of the closet, yet wish to let it be know to gay community, that they are indeed homosexual, will list 1 of there hobbies as marble collecting! Therefore it is also a inside joke in gay community to signify your gay!
Mack claims he isn't gay, but he has marble collecting listed as a hobby. (Winkwink)
When a group of people are collectivity clapped.
See guys...collective clapism!
Rhett and links transcribtion fail. it means "Google it"
Guy nr. 1: "hey man, do you know what encephalitis means?"
Guy nr. 2: "No idea, Parallel to collect"
Guy nr. 1: "what?"
Guy nr. 2: "google it"
This is a group made up of like-minded people, who gang together to get economy of scale discounts for buying in bulk for specific goods, which they plan to purchase.
I can save money when collective purchasing
(v) When two people, usually from the Park Slope demographic meet around the 9th Street entrance of Prospect Park. There in lies the cove, and deep with in it are woods of despair and forbidden love. When one explains how they are collecting sticks with another they are fore taking in the devils tango.
“ye i’m j collecting sticks with my bro, no homo tho”
NORK or NORK COLLECTIVE is a grassroots artist management brand since 2016.
NORK focuses on curating Artists of all genres to produce the best work they can.
Josie: 'Wow this girl is an amazing singer, who is she with?!'
Noah: 'Oh, she is apart of NORK COLLECTIVE, the new and hip grassroots Art Curation Management brand'
Josie: ' That is so cool, whats their social media handle?'
Noah: 'Instagram: @norkcollective'
A communal joy, a celebration shared by many. Also, implies a lot of drinking of alcohol; very similar to tailgating for an event, without requiring the vehicles and parking lot.
Collective effervescence is expensive and time-consuming in Wrigleyville today.