The chocolate pudding that comes out your asshole when your stomach hurts.
Hey dad get off the toilet I have to crap.
Did you hear that music. It sounds like my ass when i mix watermelon, grape koolaid, fried chicken, fried taters, beans, n cornbread together. A whole lotta crap
Crap : rubbish, oh who cares look at the example..
jase: I love that new video game.
Jordan : don't you think that shit is crap?
Feces that was excreted by an animal that had a completely coprophageious food source.
Effectively crap that has been recrapped. Like if a dog eats cat crap then craps on your living room floor.
Used non literally to exaggerate dissatisfaction with somethings quality. Written as "crap²" but spoken as "crap squared" or "crap to the second power" can also be increased to C³ and so forth.
"Dude your wife's cooking taste like crap²( crap squared)." "Whatever bro, you probably taste your breath, i t smells like crap³( crap to the third power)!"
poop or just plain disapointment, for those of you that are into British slang, its basicaly just like saying "Bugger"
The cops are after me! I lost my shirt to a rabid hobo! And now I have AIDS! Crap!
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