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When you are performing a skill, typically cheerleading skill but you are too soft and don't fully commit to skill.

When you're not fully committing to an athletic move and too puffy and soft with it.

*Skill fails due to lack of commitment:

Wow!! That was croissant, be sharper.

Don't be croissant, commit to the skill.

by Jj-palang September 14, 2023


A very yummy and fluffy pastry, most likely french.

Aah! Stop! I could've dropped my croissant!😡

by TheIconicDarkLarrie September 24, 2020


Croissants are evil, if you eat a croissant you are an evil person.

Oh no its the Croissant tribe!

by Baguette4lyfe August 10, 2019


A joint that is made up of residue marijuana or roaches.

Guy 01: Bro, I need your roaches
Guy 02: Why?
Guy 03: I’m making a croissant and am too cheap to use new weed.

by BlitzedChicken August 16, 2020


It means queer, because I misspelled croissant as queer once. So it means queer now.

'yo are u a croissant?'
'HELL YEAH im a croissant!'

by babykittens October 1, 2022


I could have dropped my croissant

This is how you use this sentence say I could have dropped my croissant

by WHAT THE FUCK IS UP MY GUY 🤣 April 10, 2021


What you look like with bad posture

Something that is bent

You look like a damn croissant, oui oui oui huh huh huh

by AxelaG January 2, 2022