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dazzle my chazzle

Another lovely word for masturbation

CHAZ:hey, come and dazzle my chazzle

by D-Man12345 January 6, 2009


(adj) Bleeble blabble.

Bill Cosby enjoys pudding pops with the razzle-dazzle-frazzle. Azippety doo dayy!

by 3 Hot Girlzz May 15, 2007

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when one is flamboyantly colorful

damn did you see that boy over there. I feel bad, he's super frazzle-razzle-dazzle.

by razzlendazzle February 27, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Razzle dazzle time

It means it's time to razzle dazzle. It was used in Voltron by Lance McClain.

Dash: What time is it?
Dash: Wait wha-
Me: *dumps sparkles on Dash*

by .~*+ Lance McClain +*~. August 24, 2019

Fo Razzle Dazzle

Fo Razzle Dazzle- Yambao WoW's word. word. like something from the willy wonka chocolate factory lmao. yeah it means for raz daz? lOl

Damn, andrew is so fo razzle dazzle!

by Yambao WoW! April 30, 2004

9๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

God David dazzle

David is a god. Everyone worships David because he is David. There is a David religion called Davidism, everyone has a roll in Davidism. There is a David currency, David blesses those with this special currency if they are loyal. All must worship David and God Eve, God eve is a whole other subject.

All worship God David Dazzle

by Truthsayerofdavidism November 26, 2021

frazzle my dazzle

When someone upsets you on a deeper level so much that it makes you rattle.

"Fucking Josh, making me frazzle my dazzle. Fuck that dude."

by LifeIsPain666 November 30, 2017