As opposed to dimension thingie,a dimension THINGY is the giant keyboard with all the magic dimension buttons you see in sci-fi apprently.
Person 1:"That's the dimension thingy."
Person 2:"No it's not it's a TARDIS console."
Person 1: >:(
creating realities for people in their head while giving different visual signals as proof for the separate dimension
" We created a new dimension play to work with."
Named after "Columbo" the detective who was known to shock people with his great feats of deductive reasoning; the Columbo Dimension is a realm/state of being that a person's mind enters when they are too stunned, shocked or flabbergasted to speak.
This most often occurs when a person is confronted with evidence of their dishonesty, misdeeds or them just being plain old wrong about something but may also occur when someone is roasted too hard.
Perfectly exemplified by the "The Gloved-Hand Reveal | Columbo" clip (timestamp - 4:35) from the Columbo TV Show found on YouTube (The background music may also play in real life should the show of evidence/roast be powerful enough).
M:You can't prove that I pissed in the elevator! Surely it was a dog!
C: Shows elevator camera footage of M drunkenly pissing in the elevator.
M: *is too stunned to speak*
this one video game from 2014 that is a crossover like multiversus or LEGO fortnite. Everybody named Daelan really likes this game.
hey man daelan just told me about this game called Lego Dimensions. I don’t know why daelan likes it so much
When you push your eyeballs into their sockets with your thumbs and hold it until you see colors and swirls, almost like a totally different dimension.
*Eren holds his thumbs to his closed eyes, pushing inwards*
Asher: What are you doing, Eren?
Eren: Going to the Eye-Push Dimension.
Wait a minute, if D4C can go to infinite dimensions, does that mean in some of the inf dimensions, there are other over heaven dios? Wouldn't that mean D4C can bring another the world over heaven to the reality that they are in? And couldn't D4C make other versions of them self's to the reality and do that same trick? In other words D4C had the ability to counter reality because 2 of the same thing can't be in the same timeline cause it can alter the dimension exept funny valentine. Isn't the corpse parts a way to power a stands ability like how it boosted dios reality? Does that mean D4C can go to other dimensions to get inf corpse parts to boost D4C's dimension ability? That means D4C wasn't at his full power fighting twoh instead, he maybe wanted to test how true dios reality is but died testing?
D4C's Dimension ability is so cool yeah?
Yeah, but if he can go into dimensions, can't he just go into a dimension where there are all anime characters spawning on earth?
Well, probably.