An Unavailable Bad Boy prone to pretense as a charming chaser that quickly morphs into a chilling creep revealing himself to be a Duper and dump her dude.
Margo showed up at her girl gang’s Happy Hour for cocktails and comforting after her latest UBBer Duper went missing in action.
the super duper pooper scooper 4002 ultra willy version™ is gay as fuck and ripped my dick off the other day
"I use the super duper pooper scooper 4002 ultra willy version™ to get sucked off"
"What the fuck"
"I use the super duper pooper scooper 4002 ultra willy version™ to get sucked off"
"What the fuck"
a short kid that was in your drama class last year that always poked you and your friend with the same name in the arm with a sharp pencil.
a.k.a seth.
seth, youre a ginormous super duper mega weiner. now stop poking me with your pencil!
When Galaga gets in his swimming suit and nuts on an olive, or when Edds barks for me.
Woah that super duper hot, I’m gonna nut
Boyfriend: can I ride my motorbike?
Girlfriend: i want you to use your motorbike super duper fluper dupaluper rare.