That weird guy called Barry, who works in accounts and thinks you are friends because you held open a door for him on his first day. Nicknamed Barry to Entry after his ever-annoying ability to act as a barrier to your 'entry' into those cute females in reception.
Steve: Hey man, I might go ask Sharon from reception if she's doing anything for lunch.
Wayne: Uh-oh, here comes the Barry to Entry.
Past tense word for the phrase 'entry fragged' in fps games.
LMFAOOO those dumb kids got entried on A site so fast.
A person in their 30's (or older) who still lives with their parents and therefore delayed full adulthood. Synonymous with Peter Pan Syndrome. They have instead opted to delay living financially independent from their parents, starting their own family and/or parting with their vast collection of video games and other childhood toys. They have entered the Delayed Entry Program (for adults). Not to be confused with the program of the same name for entering the military.
Bernard hasn't left home since high school still works at the same supermarket he did in high school and is in his 30's. He has decided to sign-up for the Delayed Entry program (for grownups).
A male in their 30's (or older) who lives with their parents and has never lived independently. They are content with having a job that has little to no responsibility and doesn't require a background check or drug tests. They are not sure how to attract a female, save money for the future to buy or rent their own place, nor save for their retirement. Often referred to as Peter Pan Syndrome. Ambitions tend to focus on becoming a social media influencer without any plan for how to do that. They have entered the Delayed Entry Program for adults.
Ted is in his 30's, lives at home and works part-time at a local store. He is not sure how to set goals such as move out on his own or advance in his career. He has entered the delayed entry program (for adults)
Word for alleys behind terrace houses.
Common in Liverpool.
"The entry reeks, the bins haven't been emptied for weeks"