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Faith is a genuinely kind and caring person. She tries to make everyone happy, sometimes causing her own happiness to go down the drain. Her life revolves around people because she is so social. She’s beautiful and bubbly. She is usually very popular because of her extroverted self. Sometimes she does things just to please people and it makes her feel down about herself. Some people don’t like her just because of how social she is, and she is totally fine with that. She’s spoiled and loves to be pampered. She falls for guys too fast and trusts them with her secrets. She’s a very open person, which sometimes comes at a cost.

Rachel: Hey do you know faith?

Steph: yes!

by Black Indian July 29, 2018

5👍 1👎


To believe.........

Unconditional....Never giving up on having

by Angel Trapp February 6, 2009

108👍 74👎


Faith is a beautiful girl with one of the brightest smile and beaming eyes. She likes to keep everything to herself, making it seem like everything is ok. She is kind of shy and quiet, but when you get to know her she is very inappropriate and funny. Faith is probably one of the bestest friends you could have, she will be there for you when she’s not even there for herself. Honestly everyone loves faith, she stands out so much because she so different and out of the world. Let not forget how gorgeous her hair is!!! If she’s in a relationship you know it’s serious, because she is the type of girl to never date. She is very good at making friends and making close bonds. She is a lowkey baddie but she really does keep it on the low.... can’t mess up the names reputation;))))

Faith is one of the best people to talk to.
I trust Faith more then a lot of people.
Faith’s cute but she won’t give me a chance

by yellernoodle November 28, 2018

7👍 2👎


Most likely a blonde girl with an addiction to coffee and ice cream. She can be a straight diva at times but is a total realist.

¨Who leeft the Starbucks cup here, probaly faith

by Dictionaryy November 29, 2018

7👍 2👎


Faith is an amazing person. Who secretly is in love with someone who doesn’t know because it can ruin something.shes quite and no one knows many things about her and nethier does she.

Faith is over at lunch.

by Anonymous19888888 March 26, 2018

7👍 2👎


1-To believe that someone or something will come through for you especially during difficult and sad times

2-An infamous slayer character from the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer played by Eliza Dushku.

-Was the next slayer in line called as Buffy had died in Season 1 of the series.

-Was a very violent, and sexual, and jealous slayer who often seemed to get sexual pleasure just from fighting.

-Hated Buffy because she felt that because Buffy already died and she was called to replace her BUT since Buffy was brought back to life by CPR, Faith was always told and always felt that there was only ONE slayer and that Buffy "stole" that specialness from her.

-Accidently killed a human guy instead of a vampire, then blamed it on Buffy.

-Tried to kill Buffy and her vampire lover Angel, but failed as Buffy stabbed her into a coma with Faith's own special dagger.

-Came out of the coma and magically switched places with Buffy and even slept with her new boyfriend, Riley Finn.

-Left for LA where she ran into Angel who helped her see the error of her ways and reformed her.

-Came back to fight Angel when he became evil Angelus.

-Went back to Sunnydale and helped Buffy and the slayer potentials defeat the crazy priest villian Caleb and close the Hell Mouth

Ex1-When things seem impossible, always remember to have faith.

Ex2-Faith ended up with former slayer, Nikki's son, Principal Robin Wood.

by LoganLesnarMarvel August 14, 2005

214👍 172👎


Shes beautiful, everything i could ever ask for. She knows what to do when soemthing goes wrong, Faith, , i just cant get enough of her hot bod, ohhh hot damn


whata tard face you say! nooo faith is no whore.! shes much more

i love you faith durning!

(: me i love you faith
Faith i love you tooo!

by (: rice boy. July 11, 2010

115👍 88👎