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fat bitch, got nits

a term used to define someone who eats all the time or is unpresentable. Also used as a querky comment!

timothy says "ohh im soo hungry!"
theodor replies "ya fat bitch, got nits!"

by macca, lisa and cristina June 3, 2006

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really fucking fat bitch

Its when a female is extremely overweight and when she walks down the street it makes your pupils bleed and wonder if there really is a god.

Bro 1 : Holy mother of mary that bitch is cracking the sidewalk with her cankles!
Bro 2 : This bitch is so ho is fat she uses a parachute for a g-string!She is a really fucking fat bitch.Ahhhhhh!*whisper*Mike hold me im' very scared.
Bro the 3rd : I'm gonna take various parts of a chicken and pelt you with them you greasy load of female.

by GeordiLaForge September 23, 2016

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fat bitches fighting over food

Fat bitches fighting over food is when fat bitches fight over food

You got caught looking up fat bitches fighting over food!?

by GaySexinator March 21, 2022

Big fat bitch nugget

'Big fat bitch nugget' means if someone is fat, rude or gross.

Bob: Karen your a big fat bitch nugget!
Karen: Oh my god don't say that I am no big fat bitch nugget you Bitch nugget!

by MEMESareGREAT_BOI May 17, 2019

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Look at ya you FAT BITCH!!!

Fat Ugly bitch impossible for a human male is to have sex due to the huge internal volume of her Vagina.

The sheer size of her belly cause the Vagina to extend into the fat bitchs abodomenal cavity. It takes a at least a four foot horse penis to fill the fat bitches vagina cavity bot length wise and by circumfrence. The larger members off the FAT BITCH species are too large for the horse cock and require a giraffe or elephant cock to fill the cavity.

When the FAT BITCH is impregninated the FAT BITCH is able to give birth to a another FAT BITCH thus spreading the FAT BITCH Species. The gestation time is less then a week to to the volume of food ingested per day.


by FAT BITCHES SHOOT EM!!! September 17, 2018

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hotter than a fat bitch in a biscuit

an expression which clearly defines how ridiculously hot it may be in a given location....say Iraq

Why are you sweating? Because it's hotter than a fat bitch in a biscuit in here!

by redeyejedi February 5, 2009

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Fuck you fat bitch party

when two unfavorable, extremely fugly dykes get together by themselves, to trash talk an ex that they share. it is clearly not a party, since it only consists of two people, and the ex is neither fat nor a bitch but a beautiful, young woman who is a wonderful person. these poor, poor woman just have nothing to do but obsess over her, because they have no lives. one will live on to be a big time waitress, and be famous and rich and the other will grow a penis from all the rugby and steroids.

lee luw and ky guy from washington vagina attend Fuck you fat bitch party (ies)

by all that is wise February 3, 2011

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