Source Code

Turbo Flutter

so if u have a car and have some goofy ahh turbo u know what this is for the ones that dont know its car part make alot of goofy horsepower. it goes stutututututu or psttttttttttt
ur smoll turbo make smol no stututututu only psttttttttt cuz it a weak ass turbo
ur big ass turbo will make big stututututututututututututututututututututu cuz it big ass

car: *turbo flutter* stututututu
sus carguy: wahoo

by FlutterCarzTik February 7, 2023

Turbo Flutter


typically from a Mk4 Supra

Ay man, do you know what Turbo Flutter is?


by chonkboi October 2, 2023

Flutter Time

A time when a pony (Mainly Fluttershy) would snuggle and cuddle with you for a long period of time

Fluttershy: Oh Anon, I think it's flutter time!
Anon: Yay! đŸ„°

by Christeele July 15, 2022

flatter flutter


One who flutters around flattering others.

Her unique skill set was to flatter flutter around and gain the ear, the eye, or the attention of those she so desired; and in return gain their favor.

by Sarahquill81 December 28, 2021

flutter mane

A ghost/fairy gen 9 paradox pkmn, scarlet exclusive, that resembles misdreavus, banned from competitive pkmn, simply because of the atrocious 135 base sp.atk and speed stats. its found only in the great crater of paldea.
its competitive moveset consists of
251 sp. atk speed ev 0 atk iv
timid nature
choice scarf
shadow ball
mystical fire

pokemon showdown player: sends out flutter mane
other pokemon showdown player: *sweats bullets*

i have no idea how to use flutter mane in a sentence anyways

by marill enjoyer December 11, 2022

Fanny Flutters

The achey, tingling sensation felt by a woman’s clit at the thought, sight, or touch of her lover.

(Text Convo)
Annie: Whatcha doin?
Molly: Just got out of the shower
Annie: Hot đŸ„”

Molly: Mmm
 I wish you were here, babe.
Annie: Fuck, me too!
Molly: C’mere
Annie: OMG, you’re giving me fanny flutters! đŸ˜©

by dense-boner-forest February 22, 2024

Fanny flutters

Fanny Flutters

The uncontrollable muscular contractions and spasms that woman get in the vagina after having rigorous sex the night before.

And on recollecting the evening involuntarily contract.

I was getting fanny flutters day, thinking about what you did to me last night.

by Lisyloopoo April 11, 2022