Where a woman goes on a date with a man just for the free meal and drinks, and maybe a free shopping trip after.
Person 1: "I went on a date with Jessica yesterday."
Person 2: "Oh really, how'd it go?"
Person 1: "Turns out the bitch just wanted a free meal."
Person 2: "That sucks, another foodie call."
A person, who actually lives for food. S/he has a cute tummy to fill with food, also an awesome taste bud to eat everything. S/he holds a distinctive attitude while showcasing her/his passion for food.
Person 1: what kind of food do you like?
Person 2: oh buddy! I am just a big fat foodie.
When you're too wasted/high to drive, but you have major munchies. You invite a friend over so that they'll bring chips, or whatever you're craving.
Ted: Dude, we don't have any food
Jed: Call Ned over and tell him to bring chips!
Ted: Dude, we can totally Foody Call him!