Source Code

fossil brain

you’re a dumbass

you’re a fossil brain

by bussybuttsayeee December 31, 2022

Purge the Fossil Record

Remove all texts, emails, photos and calendar entries pertaining to your old girlfriend from your phone, computer and house.

Well, I don’t wanna see her face ever again. Time to purge the fossil record

by September 27, 2022

Fossil Fucker

A younger male who purposely 'hits on' older ladies (usually aged over 40 and single) for the purpose of sex.

Look at that guy hitting on that old woman - man, bet he's a fossil fucker!

by Adolf Trump-Farage September 18, 2018

meth fossil

If your drenched in sweat and you die the sweat cracks back and you become a meth fossil.

That tweaker needs to hydrate he's gonna turn to a meth fossil!!!

by Starsonelaine August 15, 2023

Fossil hunting

When a man fists another man’s ass and pulls out treasure.

Dave went fossil hunting with TJ

by UltraGhastly November 26, 2018

fossil water

jocular way of referring to crude oil

Jon: What's with all those big towers in the field there?
Don: They're drilling for fossil water
Jon: WTF is that?
Don: 100,000,000 years ago there was a swamp here where lots of plants & dinos died -- now there's only fossil water!

by cyberpope67,BC,Canada June 12, 2010

Fossilized Black Americans (FBAs)

A "Pretendian" is a term often used by Indians to describe someone who falsely claims Indigenous ancestry or cultural identity without any legitimate basis. This term is often applied to individuals who disrespectfully appropriate/change Indigenous cultures or traditions for personal gain (in an effort to seem more exotic or interesting than they really are.)

Similar to a “pretendian”, Black Americans have a play on the term "Foundational Black Americans" (FBAs) — "Fossilized Black Americans."

Just like “Pretendians”, Fossilized Black Americans cling to any minuscule amount of African DNA remnant from their ancestors, to try to legitimately claim that they are part of the black identity in the present (Even if authentic, dark-skinned Black Americans don’t see them as black; Even when they don’t look black; Even when they’re extremely distanced from blackness and black culture)

They are fossils of the former identity that their ancestors embodied.

Yeah sure, they’re ‘FBA' alright – Fossilized Black Americans (FBAs)”

by TonalTruths April 4, 2024